Blog Antivirus

Effective Endpoint Protection Solution

By: FilioTech Updated on: May 13, 2020

Effective Endpoint Protection Solution

Stressed Businesses Need a Simple Protection Solution The growing complexity of the IT landscape leaves businesses struggling to cope with the threats against their hardware and data. With workers using mobiles and cloud more, businesses need complete protection.

Search for Cybercrime online and you’ll see that businesses globally are losing over $1 million a minute to criminals. Their random and widespread attacks often don’t care about the individual business, all they want is data and access, that you can use to commit a crime.

Even if there’s a focused hack against a specific business, the company often won’t know about it until after the fact. And prosecutions are falling not rising, as the crimes are so hard to prove and the criminals almost impossible to trace.

With all that in mind, any business trying to grow in these competitive and uncertain times needs the easiest and most secure solution to protecting their business. IT bosses are focussed on using technology to build profit and services, not updating protection software all day, and checking out every threat that hits the firewall.

FilioTech offers SentinelOne as the solution for any growing business to help protect their systems and critical business data. As a managed service offering, we can handle all the detail and routine updating, leaving you to get on with growing your business. Reducing protection to one solution simplifies both its footprint and focuses any alerts and dashboards in one place, for faster reaction times and making it easier to understand the threats against your business.

And using AI to protect your business, SentinelOne can monitor and reject the new type of threats that the traditional virus vendors don’t even recognise. Yes, the threats against any business are major and complex, but the solution to keeping them out can be as simple as any other digital service you use.

What would your company do if its data vanished or all the systems became inaccessible, that’s a common cybercrime tactic, so be prepared and defend your systems, without over-stressing your workload.