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How to Install Cachet Status Page on Plesk 12 Onyx

By: FilioTech Updated on: May 13, 2020

How to Install Cachet Status Page on Plesk 12 Onyx

Let me guess, you've been looking for hours on Google for "How to install Cachet on Plesk" "Cachet + Plesk" and so on but nothing really comes up, right?

If you are Tech-savvy but still finding and learning your way around Plesk and CLI, you would probably appreciate a How-To guide on how to Install Cachet, The open-source status page system on Plesk 12 Onyx on any of your domain or subdomain.

Setup Plesk environment (PHP and Apache & Nginx Settings)

First, we need to make sure your Plesk environment is ready for the installation.

Head over to Plesk, and navigate to Tools & Settings / General Settings / PHP settings and make sure your Plesk has installed at least PHP 7.1 and is enabled for FastCGI application and FPM application. (Depends if you running Apache or NGINX)

Next, head over to your chosen domain or subdomain (where you want Cachet to be installed), go to Apache & Nginx Settings and depends on your configuration Select the following:

For Apache: enable Proxy mode and Smart static files processing by Apache.

For NGINX: Disable Proxy mode and inside Additional nginx directives paste following redirect:

# Cachet Redirect
if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^.* /index.php break; }

Great, now go back to Websites & Domains and go to PHP Settings

Select PHP support version 7.1.X and run as FastCGI application for (Apache) or FPM application served by NGINX (NGINX)

Setup Web Hosting Access over SSH

Now, head over to Web Hosting Access.

Select Access to the server over SSH to


Click OK and let's move on to MYSQL setup


Head over to your domain (or subdomain} and navigate to Databases.

Add new Database and again, make sure you make a note of it as we are going to need this for the next steps:

Database name

Database username


Change CLI PHP to 7.1 (default was 5.4)

This is important step, head over to your terminal, and SSH to your server as root user

 ssh root@X.X.X.X.X 

and if you type

 # php -v 
you would probably see a version 5.4 is used. We need to change this to PHP 7.1

The easiest way to do that is by Following this article from Plesk Support

How to specify PHP version on the Plesk server for command line command "php" for user

In SSH switch to system user of subscription (example_user). Add the line to .bashrc file:

# su example_user <br /># echo "alias php='/opt/plesk/php/7.1/bin/php'" &gt;&gt; ~/.bashrc 

Log out and log in again to reload variables and verify that the php involves the required PHP version:

# exit
# su example_user
# php -v 
You should now see that CLI PHPversion is set to 7.1

Exit example_user by typing


Install Cachet

Great, so far so good. Now let's look at the Cachet installation files. Cachet will use Composer to install an application.

If you running Plesk 12.5 or Onyx, you already have Composer installed as one of the main Application Prerequisites.

We can use SSH CLI to install from Github

 # git clone 
But at the time of writing this article, the latest version on Github was 2.3.9 but in fact, the latest version of Cachet was 2.4.0 so I've done it manually.

So head over to Github Website

Click Download ZIP and upload into your Plesk domain name home directory.

Extract all the files, go in into Cachet-2.4 Folder, and move all the files and folders into your root directory.

Rename the .env.example file to .env and configure MYSQL details as follow:





MAIL_NAME="Demo Status Page"



You can check full installation manual here

Head over as root user using terminal and go to the Cachet Install folder:

# cd /var/www/vhosts/YOURDOMAIN.COM/httpdocs

Now, let's change to your local user again:

# su example_user Type 
# ls 
# ls to make sure you are in the right path and you can see all Catchet files.

Let's continue with the installation:

# composer install --no-dev -o --no-scripts
Set the application Key

# php artisan key:generate

Use Install command

# php artisan cachet:install

If your terminal is giving you a popup like this one:

# Do you want to configure Cachet before installing? (yes/no) 
# n 

# Do you really wish to run this command? (yes/no)
# y 

# Which provider or tag's files would you like to publish?: 
# 0 

You should see that Cachet is installed ⚡

Changing Default Path

We need to set a default path for our Cachet software, so head back to Plesk and your domain name, go to Hosting Settings and change Document root to


or if you using subdomain name just add /public/ at the end.

If you visit your domain name from your browser, you should see a Default Setup Page for Cachet.

Finish installation

At this point you should see a default config page, go on and finish the setup.
Image Cachet Install
Enjoy your new Status Page with Cachet!