Support for Business

FilioTech® is proud to offer superb support services to all clients, no matter where they are in the World. Based in the UK, Surrey, we offer our support services to match your needs. Ranging from one-off Onsite Support visit to Pro-Active Business Support or Remote Support, we've got what it takes to offer outstanding Support.

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Pro-Active Business Support

Take full advantage of our pro-active support and benefit from our excellent and no #1 Managed Endpoint Protection solution, smooth cloud backups, and our hardware and software monitoring system. We can detect potential issues before they become critical and result in damage to your system.

Pro-active support and our detection system allow us to look and diagnose potential problems before they become critical. For example, S.M.A.R.T status on disk drive would be detected, or heavy memory consumption or unusual file that is potentially a security threat.

FilioTech - Heart

Activity Monitoring

Through intelligent use of monitoring systems, we are able to provide early detection of malware, unusual computer activity, or faulty hardware much earlier than the user notices. We use our technology to maintain any computer or device to optimum running levels.


JAMF Pro is what we use to configure profiles, security policies, WiFI or VPN profiles, and we distribute them to selected devices.

More about JAMF PRO

Helpdesk Support

Our support team offers assistance to your colleagues so that technical issues can be dealt with as soon as they arise, with regular updates.

Instant Support

Rapid response throughout the day to any issues

Activity Monitoring

Faulty hardware, software issues, malware detection

Apple Management

We use JAMF Pro for Apple Mac Management